You must have an image or movie open to enable the Apply Actions To Movie menu choice in the Image Menu.
Once the dialog comes up, follow these easy steps:
1. Choose the actions file you wish to apply... "Select"
Suggested either alone or in combination : Big G 3, Big G 3 Too, Smear Canvas, Find Edges, etc.
Luminous Edges is also nice. Big G 3 will give a vectored erosion appearance in motion.
2. Choose the movie you want to apply the actions to..."Select". If you already had a movie open, this will be pre-entered. Otherwise, choose another.
3. Set the compression options..."Proceed" button when done with that.
4. Choose "Create New Movie".
The open image will close, and a dialog opens for saving the new movie. Once the new movie is named, the actions sequence will commence as a frame by frame application of the actions file. The window title will show the current frame and total as a progress indicator.
To cancel an actions to movie sequence in progress : Press and hold the ESC key or space bar as with normal actions replay.
Any canceled movie will contain the frames completed to that point, and is a complete movie that will play in MoviePlayer or your preferred application.